Managing creativity and innovation and the role of research and development in the economic institution ( Case study of the compound of the drug )
This research is limited to the study of management of research and development, technological innovation, and has addressed some important aspects of the subject and did not touch the other, and to open new horizons to research in this broad and complex, can be suggested some of the addresses that may know other aspects of the subject and complement the shortfall Which you know the study of this subject at the level of national universities, according to the following addresses:
- Activate the role of innovation management in the national institution;
- Research and development and its role in developing competitive advantage;
- The role of technological innovation in the service sector in achieving customer satisfaction.
- Relationship of the quality system to the system of creativity in the institution;
- The impact of the formation of research competencies on the productivity of the economic institution;
- Confronting technological change through sustainable innovation.
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- consulté le 25.05.2009.

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