Internet and child - acceptance and rejection

  • mounia zougaie university of blida 2
  • Horiya Mersali university of medea
Keywords: electronic games, childhood, socialization, values, aggressive behavior.


   The electronic games have become a real phenomenon in our society and they are an important source of socialization because they have a direct impact on the behavior of individuals and with the diversity of games, they have taken the attention of children and young people, where they spend long periods in their practice. This method has a great influence on children's minds and aspects of their lives. Has recently become one of the most important causes of many societal problems.

  The question that arises is to what extent the violent electronic games that the children prefer to exercise affect the formation of a new cultural awareness in the framework of liberalizing the laws of commercial competition and free markets for products of cultural creativity and the values ​​of recreational culture through games that take the adventure of breaking the reality and breaking its symbols and cultural traditions through consecration Violent and absurd practices, and frantic race in the spread of violence and its freedom through various electronic games ?.


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How to Cite
zougaie, mounia, & Mersali, H. (2019). Internet and child - acceptance and rejection. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 1(2), 161-177.