Trends of higher education teachers towards the achievement of quality standards in university institutions

  • Namia Alik University of Blida 2
  • Leila Chibani University of Blida 2
Keywords: Direction, Efficiency, University, Quality


The university is a symbol of evolution and progress as a source of scientific research. It seeks to achieve quality, prosperity, prosperity and efficiency, in line with modernity and modernity in the field of technology provision. And thus enter the world for what it offers in the field of scientific research, in order to exploit it to serve the community, considering the university as one of the keys to the movement of progress and development.

   Algeria is one of those countries that strive for progress and progress in the world of quality and well-being in the field of education, especially the higher education sector, through its efforts and major reforms, especially in recent years, as noted at the level of our Algerian universities, in addition to Oriented towards the idea of achieving quality in education to enter the world of regional competition, Arab or African and even global.


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How to Cite
Alik, N., & Chibani, L. (2019). Trends of higher education teachers towards the achievement of quality standards in university institutions. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 1(3), 1-16.