The Legal Effects of the Legal Personality of the Municipality in the Algerian Law

  • Abderrahim Lahreche University of Tunis El Manar
  • Hassan Hadri University of Eloued
Keywords: municipality, legal personality, independence


Decentralization, as an administrative system, is based on limiting the tasks of the centralized governance through distributing some terms of reference between it and regional service directions, called the legal personality. It works under the administrative guardianship. On the other hand, decentralization has two images; one of them is related to facilities and which is based on acknowledging a specific one with legal personality via an independent organization of the centralized side. Since independence is the basic part of decentralization and a criterion of characterizing it from other systems, this could realized through acknowledging an elected local administration that has a legal personality and independence from the centralized authority to manage and to organize a collection of resources in a specific province. Also, it should be given a kind of independence of administrative and financial management via the right initiative in the different works of its specialty. Hence, understanding the sense of this independence and knowing its criteria and the main conditions that should be provided to realize it are an important issue. They are also the sides that the public law sought to clarify for being a standard through which all the local administrative experiences could be judged.      


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How to Cite
Lahreche, A., & Hadri, H. (2019). The Legal Effects of the Legal Personality of the Municipality in the Algerian Law. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 1(4), 259-279.