Strategy to close educational institutions to limit the spread of the Covid 19 virus - Challenges of digitization and distance education

  • Wassila Boussis University of Jijel
Keywords: covid19, information and communication technology, education, digital learning, digitization


The Corona Covid 19 virus has altered the conditions of the world since the end of 2019, as it affected our various public interfaces, which are always in contact with many vital areas in which the education sector is one of its essential joints. In this study, we suggest discussing and analyzing the situation regarding measures to close educational institutions in most countries of the world after imposing social separation strategies and sanitary measures to contain the spread of the virus. In order to consider how efficient are these measures, we decided to stand on the issue of world digital education and its related questions such as: dynamics of digitalization, digital development, technological information and communications. All this looked at in large part  from the algerian case.


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How to Cite
Boussis , W. (2020). Strategy to close educational institutions to limit the spread of the Covid 19 virus - Challenges of digitization and distance education. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(3), 20-33.