Government funding for scientific research and its relation to development from theperspective of teachers (Field study at the University of hassiba ben bouali -Chlef Province-)

  • ABDELKADER SIDI ABED University of chlef
Keywords: development, finance, scientific research


the research studies the situation of the Government funding for scientific research and its relation to development it according to variable of Certificate of the teachers of university. To This effect they applied a questionnaire on a sample of (82) teachers of the Faculty of human and social sciences in the University of chlef. And study concluded that:

-there is a directrelation between the financing of scientific research and development .-there is difference between the views of university teachers in the financing of scientific research and development in favor of the level of lecturer "A"


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How to Cite
SIDI ABED , A. (2020). Government funding for scientific research and its relation to development from theperspective of teachers (Field study at the University of hassiba ben bouali -Chlef Province-). Social Empowerment Journal, 2(3), 57-69.

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