The roles ofmediain shaping public opinion A pragmatic approach to al-Jazeera's Twitter discourse

  • REDOUAN NAHAL University of Sultan Moulay Morocco
Keywords: Cybernetics, Media, Twitter Platform, Pragmatic


In this study, we will attempt to discuss some of the questions related to cybernetics and social media and their correlation with public opinion, reviewing the role played by social media platforms in general and Twitter, in particular, in constructing, controlling and directing public opinion. Using the pragmatic approach, we are going to analyze some of Al-Jazeera's posts on Twitter from its program "Fawqa sulta’ (Beyond Power). Wehave opted to use the pragmatic approach as an appropriate introduction that enables us to clarify the purpose and function of the media discourse, and to understand the relationships that exist between the sender and the recipient in a particular communicative context.

The study reached the conclusion that the examined discourse models tends to favour a certain interpretation of the events, and to mobilize the public in support of a particular points of view.


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How to Cite
NAHAL , R. (2020). The roles ofmediain shaping public opinion A pragmatic approach to al-Jazeera’s Twitter discourse . مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(3), 91-107.