The clinical approach in sociology

  • Rebiha Dinarzed Bouzar University of Djelfa
Keywords: Clinical sociology, the clinical escort, Social analysis


The  socio-clinical approach is a  human science which occupy since the 80's an  important position in the  social  and  scientific life, aimed  at the  improvement  of  individual  life so that the socio-clinical make an assessment of  attitudes  and  get rid of  problems  through  operations  of  intervention  and  escorting so that the  socio-clinical approach  respond to  real  attitudes of  suffering  persons. Thus, thesocio-clinical approach is a  science which  contains  existentialist  phenomena of the  individual and  is the first  reference for  science, so that it  overflows couple topics (individual and  object)and  between the  subjectivity  and realism and  this  through dealing with a total human  topics which revolve through  individual  feeling of  science  in accordance to the  social-consciousness and unconsciousness. A science which  led t the  partnership between the  researcher and  individuals  testing the  world  by  their  senses  in uneven  positions  in  social  contexts which  differs according to be time line duration which  makes  of them conscious  topics  for  research which  has  its  reflections and  private  understanding to the  trend ,attitude and to the  action


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How to Cite
Bouzar , R. D. (2020). The clinical approach in sociology. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(3), 178-201.