The demographic position and the question of the decline of the inhabitants of the ancient city of Tetouan: a reading of the characteristics and rhythms of population development in an ancient Moroccan city
The demographic weight of Moroccan cities is a fundamental factor in their dynamics and an explanation for a set of transformations and changes that have occurred at all levels (social, cultural, economic and urban). It is well established that the pace of population growth, although it is characterized - in general - by its high and the variability of its demographic indicators between the various urban areas, it is at the level of ancient tissues (especially the old cities), characterized by a set of characteristics that make them separate from the milieu incubating them. Certainly, the decline in the demographic outcome of these tissues represents a different aspect of the population movement in Moroccan urban areas. In general, we seek from this article to shed light on the decline in the demographic outcome in ancient cities and its close connection with the total of transformations and constraints that these tissues have become familiar with on the one hand, and the reasons behind this phenomenon. We will take the ancient city of Tetouan as a case study, especially since the latter has known since the eighties of the last century a strong demographic bleeding.
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