The Role of Physical Education and Sports Teacher InPromoting Citizenship Values For Middle School Pupils

  • Djamal Hamadi University of Laghouat
  • Hacene Maache University of Laghouat
Keywords: Teacher of Physical Education and Sports, Values, Citizenship, Middle Schools


The aims of this study are to highlight the role offered by the teacher of physical education and sports in promoting some of the values of citizenship for middle school pupils, through a set of processes carried out by the teacher and the participation of the parents. in order to establish the principles of citizenship for the pupils of this stage, and due to the difficulty of this stage,  (adolescence), the teacher here tries his best  to inculcate  some of the dimensions of citizenship among his pupils, for this research  we have used  the descriptive method to suit the nature of the study, and as for the sample we took simple  random sample , estimated  of 64 members of the total number of the students , and the study found that the teacher of physical education played a major role in instilling the values of citizenship among students.


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How to Cite
Hamadi , D., & Maache , H. (2020). The Role of Physical Education and Sports Teacher InPromoting Citizenship Values For Middle School Pupils. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(3), 346-365.