The role of the media in fostering algerian democratic transition during the right events

  • Samir Rahmani University of Batna 01
Keywords: information, democracy, political participation, democratic transition, citizenship


The aim of this study is to higlight the key role of media in achieving democratic transitionin Algeria,in the ligtht of current changes,And our country's new stage,The media has proved to be central in embodying the advancement of sociaties ; For the sake of well being and building of an advanced sociaty.All media are concerned with this role whether it is traditional,or modern,.All sectors also need the ideal media. and here we will be subjectto the basic conditions for achieving this role to the media.


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How to Cite
Rahmani , S. (2020). The role of the media in fostering algerian democratic transition during the right events. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(3), 366-380.