The social and cultural values system of the Algerian family in light of modern technologies of information and communication

  • Safouane Kafi University of Setif 2
  • Nadia Feddan University of Setif 2
Keywords: Family, Social and cultural values, Technology, Media, Communication


The issue of social values in the life of Algerian family is extremely important, it lies in its impact on the cohesion of the social fabric and its reflection on the stability of the country and preserving its cultural heritage, This is what made the subject renewed study by researchers in the field of human and social sciences in its branches, and what increased the importance of its connection to the continuous developments to this day in the field of information and communication technologies that made it a subject permanently occupied the institutions of society, so it was and is still a challenge that needs to be studied contributing In the search for ways to invest in these modern technologies to preserve social and cultural values ​​instead of fear of the negative aspects of globalized values ​​and cultures that come via satellites.

From this standpoint, we tried in this topic to examine these challenges from a dual perspective that is aware of the variables of the topic, to move from the 'phobia' of fear and the negative vision of the secretions of modern technologies on the social fabric and Algerian family values ​​to the positive vision and the possibility of investing in them to strengthen social cohesion.


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How to Cite
Kafi, S., & Feddan, N. (2020). The social and cultural values system of the Algerian family in light of modern technologies of information and communication. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(3), 431-449.