The bloc buildings (Tall blocks of Flats) and social problems in the Algerian city

  • rezki kettaf university of Setif 2
Keywords: Blocs of Flats (Tall building), Social Problems, Causes and Solutions


The city is a spacious fertile field for the imperical social urban studies. It is a correlative urban weave whose individuals interact physically and ecologically. Through its sides, the alignments of societal local urbane culture seems evident in spite the fact that its drivellers have deep different roots. Some Algerian cities-such as Setif state.

This case is mainly due to rural exodus. Through the dark decade (terrorism era), the country siders moved to big cities, as a result, precarious tinned houses (slums) have increasingly appeared, jammed with great social evils-the matter which has pushed the authorities to intervene and embrace such phenomenon (tinned houses) via building block of flats (tall building blocks).

However, there still exist social problems..


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How to Cite
kettaf, rezki. (2019). The bloc buildings (Tall blocks of Flats) and social problems in the Algerian city. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 1(3), 102-117.