The role of International criminal Court in protecting the environment

  • elyes Sinacer Université OF Sétif
Keywords: Environment, environmental crime, the International Criminal court


Environmental crime has now become a serious problem around the world in various forms, som of which have been among the most profitable criminal activities in the world. The most common crimes againt th environment are related to the illegal exploition of wid animals and plants, pollution, waste disposal and trad. The participation of the International Criminal court in dealing with environmental crimes represent a positive expansion of jurisdiction, since environmental crimes are no less serious than the other crimes that have already entered the jurisdiction of the Court as stipulated in the statute.

The purpose of this is to paper is to clarify the role of International criminal Court in protecting the environment


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How to Cite
Sinacer, elyes. (2020). The role of International criminal Court in protecting the environment. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(1), 1-22.