History of the development of educational theories
The educational thought has known several changes over the different historical eras and changed the definition of the education and its properties, process and goals and this according to circumstances and data of each historical period.
years ago, education used to be practiced simply and in a primitive way based on prompting, emitation and sharing. However this definition evoluated in parallel with humanity evolution. In addition, education at Greeks was distinguished by renewal, innovation and the personal freedom. At Chritians it insisted on knowing the creator and self upbringing based on service. But regarding to Mauslims, the holy Quran and the Sunnah (life of our prophet peace be upon him), these two are considered as a source or an origin to any educational and teaching process, and methods, goals and destinations are taken from them. How ever, in the modern era the educational process faced the apparition of many trends and educational schools represented by the skillest education intellectuals such as: John. Jack Russo, Froebel, Maria Montessori John Dewey and lots others, in order to make education in the modern era go through new challenges because of the globalization, the scientific and technological développement.
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