The absence of the moral father and its relationship to the psychological compatibility of the school adolescent: "A field study on students of secondary education in the city of Tissemsilt"

  • Messaouda Manser Université d'Oran
Keywords: The mental absence of the father, Psychological harmony, the school teenager


The current research aims to reveal the relationship between the moral absence of the father and the psychological compatibility of the school adolescent, the sample consisted of first and second year secondary students of (397) pupils. The researcher designed two tools to collect data on the research variables, namely: “Questionnaire of the moral absence of the father” and “ Psychological compatibility questionnaire, "where it was ruled by a group of professors with specialization, and subjected to a psychometric study in which conditions of honesty and consistency were achieved, where the results of the research showed that there is a correlation between the moral absence of the father and psychological compatibility, and the results of the research also showed that there are statistically significant differences in the absence father and psychological compatibility among students, while in the age variable, the results indicated that there were statistically significant differences in the absence of a variable moral father only for the benefit of the age group (17-18snh) did not show differences function on the psychological level of compatibility of the two categories.


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How to Cite
Manser, M. (2020). The absence of the moral father and its relationship to the psychological compatibility of the school adolescent: "A field study on students of secondary education in the city of Tissemsilt". مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(1), 44-65.