From Badia to Medina: Factors of transformation and développement ( Status of the city of Tarfaya )

  • Embarek Ait Khalifa Mohammed V University
  • Mohamed Bousta Mohammed V University
Keywords: Badawah, City, Urbanization, Development, Tarfaya


    This paper focuses on the study of an important phenomenon known as the Sahrawi desert area, and it is related to the phenomenon of urbanization and stability, by trying to get acquainted with the signs of urbanization in a city that has a historical significance in a field where there was widespread travel as a way of life. It is here in the city of Tarfaya, where we will try to stand On the historical stages that set the course of the formation of this city in the desert. As well as to identify some of the problems and obstacles that prevent the achievement of sustainable development in the city in particular and the rest of the desert cities in general, to monitor before that some of the bets and qualifications of development in the field of study, which stands out at several levels will be described in this article.


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How to Cite
Ait Khalifa, E., & Bousta, M. (2019). From Badia to Medina: Factors of transformation and développement ( Status of the city of Tarfaya ). مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 1(3), 301-320.