The role of the tourism industry in local development : à case study of the municipality of Hammam Sokhna in the state of Setif

  • Badis Tabet University Of setif 1
  • Nouara Dakhane University Of setif 1
Keywords: Tourism Industry, Febrile tourism, tourism investment, Local groups, spatial at dynamics


This study aims to identify the concept of the tourism industry and to show the extent of its contribution to local development by relying on febrile tourism as the most popular type of tourism for attracting many important tourism projects within the framework of tourism investment. The study also aims to clarify the concept of local development and the various dimensions related to it.

As for the practical side, a case study was prepared for the municipality of Hammam Sokhna in the state of Setif, which is considered a Hama tourist pole par excellence, by following up and analyzing tourism flows and incomes for the period from 2011 to 2021 and their repercussions on local development in the region and comparing them with neighboring municipalities.

Where the study reached a set of results, Where the study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: that febrile tourism plays an important role in local development by creating new jobs and a dynamic spatial that allowed the creation of a new city from just a that allowed the creation of a new city from just a hot water source.


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How to Cite
Tabet , B., & Dakhane , N. (2022). The role of the tourism industry in local development : à case study of the municipality of Hammam Sokhna in the state of Setif . Social Empowerment Journal, 4(3), 29-43.

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