Reading in the efforts of the Apst and the Jia "Gaston Paslar, Carl Popper " two prototypes

  • Belgasem Atiat university of Djelfa
Keywords: epistemological, rationality, theory, experience


The axestideology is based on the critique of scientific knowledge in order to learn about the foundations of this knowledge and science and its theories and examines its interpretations of the phenomena, as well as the arguments underlying these interpretations, and this by focusing on the basic concepts and statements and the methodological methods relied upon to reach Results that can be generalized, this generalization, which is opposed by the majority of the thesis, is based on the fact that science is not stable and constantly evolving and changing, Scientific rationality is an open philosophical rationality based on double certainty, the empirical reality is not limited, and theories are only provisional interpretations, which makes us say that the basis of scientific rationality is that dialectic dialogue between what is mental and what is realistic, there is no purely scientific theory, nor is there  A scientific experiment independent of the mind, and in this sense to mention that the "baslar " a rational realistic philosopher, not to beat the mind and not to experiment but to merge between them, experience proves the validity of theory by experimentation, and without mind and ideas and theories do not have the necessary breakthrough to build scientific knowledge, which in turn always subject Criticism and criticism turn to new criticism so that knowledge is renewed and more credible, "Carl Popper" added a new scientific thought based on the premise that every scientific theory bears the seeds of its demise, and this in a positive sense that this is not to underestimate the position of scientific theories, it is the basis and the starting point of scientific research, because all the work of man is flawed and wrong so what works now may  It does not work tomorrow as well as the owner of a theory that may contradict it later, and all this according to Popper supports scientific research and gain knowledge more sincerely as experience even if certainty seem to be repeated because science is always wrong.


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How to Cite
Atiat, B. (2019). Reading in the efforts of the Apst and the Jia "Gaston Paslar, Carl Popper " two prototypes. Social Empowerment Journal, 1(2), 178-189.

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