The repercussions of quarantine on mental health

  • Yamine bergoug University of Batna
  • kamal bourzgue University Center of Aflou
Keywords: the quarantine, mental health


With the outbreak of the (2019-nCoV) virus many countries require people - who may have been infected - to isolate themselves at home or in a designated quarantine facility. This procedure was considered by the World Health Organization as a method of safety and ward off Prevalence of infection, while studies have proven the psychological disorders that may be caused by quarantine related to post-traumatic stress and frustration, confusion and anger.

This paper aimed to discuss what are the repercussions of quarantine on mental health? What can be done to avoid that?


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How to Cite
bergoug, Y., & bourzgue, kamal. (2020). The repercussions of quarantine on mental health. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(2), 217-226.