The concept of gender and problem of translation

  • LILA GRIDI University of alger2
Keywords: gender, concepts, translation, social context, cognitif context


The importance of gender critique as a concept lies in understanding the specificity of cultural, historical and social differences, in posing the problem of the extent to which concepts can be translated from one language to another, in the Implications of the conceptual crossing the geographical and specialized borders, the use of gender involves bets that are not limited to the mere adoption of a term or not or to the mere translation of a certain word as much as it expresses the cognitive system of a society, the cognitive capabilities with cultural and political dimensions that begin to appear upon its analysis, The best approach to uncovering these bets is in a comparison between the American and French contexts of knowledge of how this concept is approached.

The aim of this theoretical research paper is to shed light on the most important cultural and cognitive stakes related to translating the concept of gender. This study confirms that working on concepts extracted from other cultures would generate new questions whose degree of suitability and practicality cannot be ascertained either in the field of research or in the field of policies that they adopt.


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How to Cite
GRIDI, L. (2020). The concept of gender and problem of translation . مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(4), 38-49.