The role of community institutions in establishing the values of citizenship in the child

Keywords: Values of citizenship, family, kindergartens, school, media, Mosques


In order to preserve the identity of each society and to live safely, the importance of citizenship, which works to empower everyone through a national education that focuses on values ​​and principles, has emerged. This study was conducted to reveal the contribution of community institutions to the development of citizens’, which is responsible for supporting these values ​​and preparing the citizens of the future. We have defined the basic concepts, the most important societal institutions and their respective role in consolidating the values ​​of citizenship. Can contribute to the development of this value.


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How to Cite
THELAIDJIA, M. (2020). The role of community institutions in establishing the values of citizenship in the child. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(4), 121-131.