Article Title in English Alternative strategic industrial clusters to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises- Algeria as a model
This study aims to identify the importance of industrial clusters in activating the networking relationships of small and medium enterprises, and how they can support and enhance the competitiveness of the national economy. This topic has increased in importance in most countries of the world today, development programs based on supporting industrial clusters, to raise the level of growth and improve competitiveness. At the industrial and economic level as a whole.
The study was based on an analysis of the theoretical foundations related to the topic, as well as on the diagnosis of global industrial clusters as models that could benefit Algeria, trying to apply them given their importance and their great impact on the support of the competitiveness of SMEs in particular and the economy in general.
We concluded from this study that small and medium-sized enterprises face many obstacles and problems that make them uncompetitive, the latter having been created spontaneously without systematic study or planning by decision-makers. In addition, there is a lack of support mechanisms and incentives, including financial support for these SMEs and their assistance to reach advanced stages in the export of their products.
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