Political and constitutional engineering

  • ALI SAADI ABDUL ZAHRA JUBEIR University of Baghdad, Iraq
Keywords: Political engineering, constitutional engineering, human rights, democracy


This study tries to shed light on what political and constitutional engineering is, and this happens after the process of making the necessary adjustments to the existing thing, that is, bringing about the necessary reforms to the constitutional bodies and institutions, as well as for the law to be above all, not to distinguish between the ruler and the ruled, and to protect human rights and punish Violators, and the separation between political institutions, with an emphasis on the supremacy of the legislative institution as it is the one that legislates laws, and the independence of the judicial institution, which leads to the transition of the state from backwardness to progress or from progress to higher progress with the development of a long-term strategy that keeps pace with developments that occur at the level The study concluded that political and constitutional engineering is a necessary need for all countries, especially countries of the South.


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How to Cite
JUBEIR, A. S. A. Z. (2020). Political and constitutional engineering. Social Empowerment Journal, 2(4), 50-63. https://doi.org/10.34118/sej.v2i4.1085

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