Evaluating the performance of public services in light of the new epidemic Corona (covid-19) the case of Algeria Post -Unit Ouargla-

  • Walid Ziadi University of Biskra
  • Hakim Bendjeroua University of Ouargla
Keywords: Public service, Algeria Post, Epidemic, Corona virus


This study aims to try to evaluate the performance of public services in light of the outbreak of the Corona virus, and the study was linked to the services of Algeria Post - Unity and Ouargla - by reviewing the measures taken towards citizens during the period between 17 and 22 April, coinciding with the period of casting Wages.

For the sake of the evaluation, an interview was conducted with Algerian Post officials in Ouargla, to produce a conclusion that the public services provided by them are serious and strict, especially as they strive to ensure the safety of their citizens with the spread of this epidemic.


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How to Cite
Ziadi, W., & Bendjeroua , H. (2020). Evaluating the performance of public services in light of the new epidemic Corona (covid-19) the case of Algeria Post -Unit Ouargla-. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(2), 186-200. https://doi.org/10.34118/sej.v2i2.1015