Motivation as a mechanism for developing organization citizenship behaviour in the organization

  • HABIBA BELHADJE University of Skikda
Keywords: Motivation, Behavior, Citizenship, Organizational Citizenship


This study aims to know the effect of the incentive system on the development of organizational citizenship behavior in the institution, through a case study of the Achievement and Studies Corporation in the state of Skikda, in which it relied on a questionnaire distributed among the employees of the institution, and by using the statistical analysis program in order to ensure that the study hypotheses are denied or proven.

Through this study, a set of results were reached, the most important of which is that the institution under study adopts a flexible system of material and moral incentives with a medium approval degree, which contributed to the promotion and development of organizational


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How to Cite
BELHADJE, H. (2020). Motivation as a mechanism for developing organization citizenship behaviour in the organization . مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(4), 23-37.