The problems facing a child addicted to the Internet

  • Hamza Djahnit University Of Bordj Bou Arreridj
  • Hamza Djahnit University Of Bordj Bou Arreridj
  • boudjemaa amara University Of Bordj Bou Arreridj
Keywords: Internet, social access networks, cyber bullying, cyber attack


In our time we are facing great progress in manya scientific fields, This era is characterized by innovation, What is truly surprising is the technology of materials, and thus the technology of electronics, control, computer components, networks, their power, and their vast uses, The lack of experience to cope with them made us very puzzled by the use of this technology and the fear of it, especially on children, Those emerging for their lack of experience in the use of the Internet are an easy prey for stalkers, hackers, pirates and others who seek to build destructive ideas in their minds, And to make them lose their habits, traditions and national belonging, not to mention the exposure of fraud and the placement and call them to ideas strange, as well as to push them to commit suicide and the use of characters and make imaginary friends, this intervention to clarify some of the dangers that guide the child through the Internet.


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How to Cite
Djahnit, H., Djahnit, H., & amara, boudjemaa. (2019). The problems facing a child addicted to the Internet. Social Empowerment Journal, 1(2), 12-27.

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