Mental health under the spread of Coronna Cuvid-19 virus, social spacing and continuation of quarantine

  • Boumediene Senouci University of Algeria
  • Zineb Djellouli University of Oran
Keywords: Mental Health, Courovairus, Social Spacing, Quarantine


The study aims at identifying the most important indicators of low mental health under the spread of Coronna Cuvid-19 virus, social spacing and continuation of quarantine, and the study sample was composed of 446 persons, and to achieve the study goals the researchers designed a questionnaire and confirmed its cycometric properties.

After collecting and processing information statistically using SPSS and R, the researchers concluded that the most important signs of low mental health are that I feel a great fear of being infected with this epidemic, and I feel unable to protect my family members, and it was revealed that the level of mental health under Corona crisis is low. In addition to statistically significant differences in mental health, the Corona crisis continued to be attributed to the gender variable


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How to Cite
Senouci, B., & Djellouli , Z. (2020). Mental health under the spread of Coronna Cuvid-19 virus, social spacing and continuation of quarantine . Social Empowerment Journal, 2(2), 65-80.

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