Regular tax revenues and their role in balancing Algeria’s budget Analysis study from 2000 to 2016
Most of the public budgets are based on the public resources of the fiscal policy to finance public expenditures, and this article aims to highlight an important element of Algeria’s public budget: regular tax revenues and the extent to which they contribute to the financing of public expenditures and budget ary balance.The general public in Algeria during an important period in the Algerian economy after the change in the political and security climate and the improvement of the Algerian economy, which is 2000-2016, and this in order to know the important role that the regular levies in the post-levy oil phase may play in financing the general budget in light of the low prices Fuel.
Through our research, we have found the great importance of this type of revenue and the need to give priority to it in order to move away from dependence on oil revenues in the financing of Algeria’s public budget.
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Law No. 84-17 of July 07, 1984, on amended and complementary financial laws.

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