Publication Fees

Publishing Fees

Fee Policy

The Dirassat Journal Economic Issue (DJEI) is dedicated to providing open access to high-quality research without imposing financial barriers on authors.

No-Fee policy

We are pleased to announce that DJEI does not charge any fees for article submission, processing, or publication. This no-fee policy ensures equitable access to publication opportunities for all researchers, regardless of their financial circumstances. Our journal is fully funded by the Faculty of Economics, Commerce, and Management at the University of Laghouat, Algeria. This financial support allows us to maintain our no-fee policy and focus on disseminating valuable research.

Transparency and Ethics

At DJEI, we uphold the highest standards of ethical publishing. The absence of any publishing fees guarantees that editorial decisions are based solely on the scholarly merit and relevance of the submitted manuscripts. Our commitment to ethical practices ensures that all articles are reviewed and published based on their quality and contribution to the field of Economics and Management.

By making our publication process fee-free, we aim to encourage widespread dissemination of knowledge and support the global academic community.