Towards Activating the Role of Cash Waqf in Achieving the Economic and Social Return in Algeria (Survey study of a sample of specialists)
The study aims at addressing the role played by the Cash Waqf in achieving economic and social development in Algeria, as well as the problem facing the Cash Waqf in achieving development and the means of activating it. For this purpose, the questionnaire was used as a tool for scientific research by surveying a sample of the frames of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Waqfs as well as the specialized professors. The simple regression method was used as a tool for testing hypotheses through the use of the statistical program Spss. The study reached a set of results, the most important of them; the cash waqf can play an effective role in achieving sustainable development in Algeria. Finally, we came up with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity of activating the role of the cash waqf as an engine to achieve social and economic development.
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