The Reality of The Impact of Activating the Financial Inclusion Policy on Enhancing the Financial Stability of Arab Banking Systems
This study aims to discuss the impact of activating the financial inclusion policy on enhancing the financial stability of Arab banking systems, in order to achieve their financial and monetary stability. To achieve the objective of the study, the focus was on the fundamentals of the financial inclusion that determines the nature, mechanisms and channels of its influence on financial stability, and the two-way correlation between between financial inclusion and stability, and its analysis based on the bilateral correlation between levels of financial inclusion indicators, and the Z-SCORE financial stability index in Arab banking systems. The study concluded that the levels of financial inclusion indicators are modest and don't have any positive or negative impact on financial stability in Arab banking systems. This is explained by the weakness of Arab banking systems and the ineffectiveness of the financial inclusion strategy. This requires decision-makersensuring stability, protection for the consumer.
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