Standardization and Guarantee Fees on Precious Metals in Algeria- Analytical Study According to the Algerian Tax System -
This studyaims to identifymethods of taxpreciousmetals in Algeria, focusing on how to ensurepreciousmetals and ways to protect the consumer fromfraud in the manufacture and trade of gold and preciousmetals;Where the studyaddressed how to tax and guaranteepreciousmetals in the Algerian tax system? And the extent to whichtheseactivities are guaranteed and followed up in Algeria. The studyconcludedthat the multiplicity of types of taxes and fees for the variousactivities of goldsmiths’ traders and manufacturers, not applied in the manner and mechanismrequired due to ignorance of dealers or evasion and fraud on suchactivities, the spread of parallelmarkets, On the other hand, despitemanyways of verifyingpreciousmetals, the areas of deception are stillwide and large.
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