The impact of intellectual capital on the performance level of the researcher Professor: An Empirical study of the professors at Ouargla University-Algeria
The study aimed to identify how intellectual capital affects the performance of the researcher professor through a field study at Ouargla University, we used the questionnaire and the interview as tools. The survey was also distributed to a sample of 200 researcher professors, and the results were analyzed using SPSS. The study found that there is an average level between capital relationships and researcher professor performance as well as toward human capital, as for structural capital, we noticed a lack of equipment and equipment necessary for the teaching process. In the case of the impact of intellectual capital on the performance of the researcher, we found that there was a moderate correlation where capital relationships were the most influential in the performance of the researcher. Based on these results, Ouargla University has to invest in and maintain intellectual capital in order to achieve excellence in performance.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Khaled Redjem, Djamila Bouzien, Thouiba Baamer

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