Using the Box-Jenkins Methodology for Forecasting of CO2 Emissions in Algeria (1950-2018)
This study aimed to predict the emissions of Carbon dioxide in Algeria during the period 1950-2018, using the Box-Jenkins methodology, by building an econometric model for forecasting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Algeria during the period 1950-2018.Our study concluded that the time series of the type (DS) was stationary at the first difference, and after examination, analysis and comparison according to the Box-Jenkins methodology through divers statistical tests, we has been proposed and building the best econometric model hybrid to forecasting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Algeria from the form ARIMA (1,1,7)-GARCH(1,1), Using the proposed econometric model, our study concluded an estimate of the yearly forecast of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Algeria during the period between 2019-2025, which was continuously increasing.
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