The impact of monetary policy on economic growth in Arab countries, with reference to the case of Algeria, adopting the analysis of panel data for the period: 1980-2018
This study aims to measure the impact of monetary policy on economic growth in Algeria and some Arab countries: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan during the period (1980-2018), and to find out the extent of the effectiveness of monetary policy and its effective impact on economic growth in the countries under study, and this using Panel data , As it is in line with the development defined by standard modeling using time-series data for longitudinal data, because it has the advantage of the time and individual doubling dimension that its data have, which makes it easy to study a group of individuals in a single model. The results of the study showed that the M2 money supply positively affects Per capita output, and both: physical capital (LK) and human capital (LH) have a positive impact on economic growth in the countries of the study sample.
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