The impact of the development of the General Electricity and Gas Facility in Algeria on the efficiency of distribution compared to the French experience - Economic Overview
Energy is one of the first necessities to be gained in ordinary life, and it is one of the essential ingredients for the development of the national economy. Apart from being a sector of national sovereignty, energy is an asset of the public facility. The transformation that has been made at the level of energy distribution in Algeria is intended only to improve quality and modernization at the level of operation of this facility. The events of the new organization are already covered by concessions in the distribution of electricity and gas by the public authorities directly with government policy in the area of rehabilitation and improvement of public utilities in general in order to respond best to the aspirations citizens. One of the results of this research is to evaluate the installation of the Algerian electricity and Gas Control Commission and to evaluate the independence of its activity, as well as to analyze the organization of the French Electricity and gas facility.
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