The Impact of Exchange Rate and Local Inflation on the Balance of ‎Payments (Case Study of Algeria:1990-2016)‎

  • Salah Ouyaba University of Ghardaïa
  • Abderrazak khelil university of Guelma
Keywords: The real exchange rate, Floating Exchange Rates, Devaluation, imported inflation


This study aimed to analyze the impact of inflation and the exchange rate on the balance of payments in the Algeria during the period (1990-2016), and the impact of the exchange rate adjustment under exchange-rate policies, or the impact of fluctuations in key-currency exchange rates and inflation On the balance of payments in the Algeria, and the inflation pressures originating on the supply side owing to monetary growth, or the inflation in costs and inflation structural and imported inflation


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How to Cite
Ouyaba, S., & khelil, A. (2018). The Impact of Exchange Rate and Local Inflation on the Balance of ‎Payments (Case Study of Algeria:1990-2016)‎. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 9(2), 161-180.