The Impact of the Euro-Algerian Association Agreement on Customs Collection In Light Of the Decrease in Fuel Prices during the Period 2005-2016
The Algerian economy is considered closed, that depends heavily on the export of oil and gas, follows the principle of central planning and public ownership of means of production, in order to achieve social justice, so as to protect the national economy from international competition that may lead to the bankruptcy of national institutions, by enacting laws to protect domestic production, among the most important mechanisms adopted by the authorities, taxes and customs duties imposed on imports of foreign goods.
During of openness to the outside world, Algeria concluded the Euro-Algerian Association Agreement ,aimed at liberalising trade between the two sides through the process of customs clearance ,leading to depriving the State of significant revenues provided by the customs department ,through what is mentionned previously, I have tried among this research to show the impact of the agreement on the Algerian customs collection, in light of the low prices of fuel during the period 2005 - 2016.
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