The Role of the Eighth IFRS "Operating Sectors" In Improving the Quality of Accounting Information with Its Application to CAC40 and REPSOL Fuels Corporations

  • Amina Zaghmar University of Algiers 3
Keywords: Financial reporting, IFRS 8 , quality of accounting information.


This research aims to determine the effect resulting from the application of one of the accounting standards, which is the eighth international standard for preparing financial reports "operating sectors" on the quality of accounting information, by focusing on the concept of financial reports, as well as the concept of sectoral reports and requirements for their preparation in accordance with what is mentioned in the aforementioned standard, The most important characteristics of the quality of accounting information as defined by the International Accounting Standards Board, to highlight in the end the changes that this standard has brought about the quality of this information. We conducted a study conducted by a group of the largest French companies to determine the impact of adopting this standard in addition to determining its application by REPSOL, an affiliate of the hydrocarbon sector in Algeria


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How to Cite
Zaghmar, A. (2018). The Role of the Eighth IFRS "Operating Sectors" In Improving the Quality of Accounting Information with Its Application to CAC40 and REPSOL Fuels Corporations. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 9(1), 275-295.