The reality of the importance of measurement and disclosure of environmental performance in the industrial companies: case study of Doplphin Energy company

  • Ibrahim Mezioud University of Medea
  • Khadidja Belhiani University of Medea
Keywords: Accounting Measurement, Accounting Disclosure, Environmental Performance, Dolphin Energy


This study aims to explore the reality of the importance of measurement and disclosure of environmental performance in the industrial institutions in general and in the oil sector, in particular, represented in the Dolphin Energy through adjusting accorded priority under the recognition and various aspects of them. The study found that there is awareness among officials of the tires and the oil corporation to replace the study of the importance of measurement and disclosure of environmental performance through the published statistics of the mission on the environment, particularly relating to the burning of the gases, air emissions, water management, waste recycling, this STEMS also the awareness of environmental legislation and laws aimed at protecting the environment from pollution and that pays taxes and fees in the case of environmental impact negatively on the environment and the surrounding community.


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How to Cite
Mezioud, I., & Belhiani, K. (2019). The reality of the importance of measurement and disclosure of environmental performance in the industrial companies: case study of Doplphin Energy company . Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 10(2), 109-125.