Objectives programming application in determining the optimal investment portfolio: A case study of a selected stock sample from the Bahrain Stock Exchange

  • Azzeddine mehamdi جامعة الجزائر 3
  • Abdelali Salhi جامعة الجزائر 3
Keywords: Optimization portfolio, risk and return, goals programming, Bahrain Bourse


This study aims to Submit a brief explanation of the investment portfolio and how to measure revenue and risk related with her, and clarified the role of goals programming in determining the investment portfolio Optimization, based on the goals disagreeing to determine a portfolio Optimization, namely the goal of reducing risk and maximize Gross return all the money invested in the portfolio, we used LINDO program to determine the investment portfolio optimization among a selected sample consists of five shares on the Bahrain Bourse.


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How to Cite
mehamdi, A., & Salhi, A. (2019). Objectives programming application in determining the optimal investment portfolio: A case study of a selected stock sample from the Bahrain Stock Exchange. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 10(1), 85-103. https://doi.org/10.34118/djei.v10i1.184