The reality of the agricultural exports in Algeria amid falling oil prices (the opportunities and challenges)
Algeria is a country whose exports depend mainly on one sector, hydrocarbons, while others only contribute a small share of the country's GDP. By 2014, oil prices have been falling sharply, prompting serious thought to diversify the Algerian economy to reduce the risk of oil price volatility. The agricultural sector is among the best available alternatives, especially given the enormous potential of Algeria. Our study attempted to highlight the impact of low oil prices on Algerian exports, as well as the export of cultural exports, and how it could contribute to the effective contribution to foreign trade. In addition, we discussed the opportunities that Algeria enjoys in this sector as well as the most important challenges it faces.
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- 9الزراعة-العربية-وتحديات-الأمن-الغذائي - 10
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- 12 الجزائر-تبحث-عن-الاكتفاء-الغذائي-في-الصحراء

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