Measuring the economic relationship between economic ‎growth and industrial production in Algeria During the ‎period ‎ ‎(1970-2014) - testing a hypothesis Kaldor‏ -‏

  • Ahmed Tidjani Hicher university of Laghouat
Keywords: GDP, Industrial Production Index, Kaldor hypothesis, Causation, Co-integration


We thought of this study was to measure the economic relationship between the GDP and index of industrial production IND in Algeria during the period 1970-2014 by testing the hypothesis Kaldor, co-integration test results showed the presence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between GDP -IND, and depending on the outcome of causality tests conclude the existence of a one-way from GDP to IND causal relationship in the short and long term, helping to changes in industrial output and GDP in the interpretation of changes in industrial production in Algeria, these results reflect the role of economic growth in determining the rate of industrial production.


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How to Cite
Hicher, A. T. (2017). Measuring the economic relationship between economic ‎growth and industrial production in Algeria During the ‎period ‎ ‎(1970-2014) - testing a hypothesis Kaldor‏ -‏. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 8(3), 143-159.