Local Community Finance - State Budget -

  • Ahmed Boudjellal University of Laghouat
Keywords: Local financial, Public finances, budget


The adoption of decentralization as a way of administrative regulation seeks to impose a new reality for the management led by local groups so that the integration in the management of local affairs is achieved within the framework of the distribution of roles between the central authority and local groups in order to achieve economic balance targeted at the national and local level and at the level of all of its sectors and activities, and to encourage the economical and social development process, and highlights the financial importance as one of the basic components on which depend the ability of local communities as an independent decentralized bodies in contributing to the achievement of comprehensive development.


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How to Cite
Boudjellal, A. (2016). Local Community Finance - State Budget -. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 7(2), 221-236. https://doi.org/10.34118/djei.v7i2.375