The role of the Entrepreneurial Orientation for university Research laboratories in the creation of small projects (A field study at the Faculty of Economic, commercial and management sciences and the institute of veterinary science, agricultural scien
This study aims to find out the role of the Entrepreneurial Orientation for university research laboratories in the creation of small projects in Algeria, this study is concerned with estimating the role from the perspective of professors and graduate students who have joined the research laboratories of the Faculty of Economic, commercial and management sciences and the institute of veterinary science, agricultural science at the University of Batna –Algeria-. Entrepreneurial Orientation is described in terms of three dimensions: Innovativeness, Risk-taking, Proactiveness.
The sample was selected for the collection of primary data to test the hypothesis of contribution Entrepreneurial Orientation for University Research Laboratories dimensions in the creation of small projects, and the hypothesis of the existence of differences in the answers of respondents about the Entrepreneurial Orientation for Research Laboratories due to demographic variables of the study sample variable. A questionnaire was distributed to the study sample which have been identified the results and provide a set of recommendations.
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