An Econometric Study of The Impact of Agricultural Exports and Imports on Real GDP in Algeria During the Period (1990-2022)

Keywords: Agricultural Exports, Agricultural Imports, Economic Growth, ARDL Bound test


The study addressed the impact of agricultural imports and agricultural exports on Algeria's economic growth during the period 1990-2022 using Bounds testing approaches for the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) methodology, where a standard model of real GDP was built as a function of the two independent variables (agricultural exports and agricultural imports), and the study concluded that there is a significant inverse relationship between agricultural exports and real GDP; which reflects the weak contribution of agricultural production in the formation of GDP, and a direct relationship between agricultural imports and GDP.

The study found a dynamic short-term relationship where the speed of adjustment to equilibrium in the long run was 9.4% (about 10 years and 7 months).


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Author Biographies

Chafik BOUBERRIMA , University of Setif 1 (Algeria)

مخبر LEMAC

Yassine MOSTEFAI , University of Setif 1 (Algeria)

مخبر LEMAC


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How to Cite
BOUBERRIMA , C., & MOSTEFAI , Y. (2024). An Econometric Study of The Impact of Agricultural Exports and Imports on Real GDP in Algeria During the Period (1990-2022) . Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 15(2), 20-37.