Entrepreneurial culture among Algerian university students
This study aimed to investigate the reality and level of entrepreneurial culture among university students in Algeria, as it is the real wealth of economic and social transformation. In our study, we relied on the descriptive and analytical approach in order to suit the objectives of the study. The statistical program “SPSS” was used to analyze the data and information collected about... Through a questionnaire from a sample of 400 university students, at various levels and specializations. The study found that the degree of appreciation of Algerian university students for the level of their entrepreneurial culture came with an average of 3.72 and a standard deviation of 0.861, which is a high level, with no statistically significant differences at the level of morality (α = 0.05) between the average degrees of appreciation of the members of the study sample. Their level of entrepreneurial culture is attributed to the variables of gender, age, university, and specialization. The study recommended the necessity of generalizing the teaching of entrepreneurship to all university majors to enhance the entrepreneurship culture, while paying attention to students with ideas and projects through support and accompaniment before and during the start of implementing their projects.
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