stakes and challenges for a socially responsible company
Corporate social (or social) responsibility (CSR) is a concept in which companies integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns into their activities and into their interaction with stakeholders, on a voluntary basis. Stated more clearly is "the company's contribution to the challenges of sustainable development". The latter is the new major strategic issue for companies, who are realizing that a viable economic activity is not opposed to social equity or respect for the environment.
- Bernard CALISTI et Francis KAROLEWCZ, RH et développement durable, édition d’organisation, Paris,2005, p164.
- Didier STEPHANY, développement durable et performance de l’entreprise, éditions liaisons,Paris ,France ,2003,p114.
- Maud TIXIER et autre, communiquer sur le développement durable, éditions d’organisation, Paris, 2005,p221.
- Michel CAPRON et Françoise QUAIREL-LANOIZELEE, Mythes et réalités de l’entreprise responsable,édition la découverte, paris, 2004.p152.
- Michel Dion.Dominique Wolff, le développement durable théories et applications au management, éditionDunod ,paris, 2008,p157.
- Philippe DETRIE, l’entreprise durable, éditions Dunod, paris, 2005,p42.

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