Corruption is a century problem: concept, causes and methods of treatment
The issue of corruption in developing countries has changed from a mere domestic issue to an issue that deserves the attention of governmental political circles and the issue has taken an important place in the ladder of government priorities and the programs of political parties, given the prevalence of this phenomenon which is extremely harmful to the entire society. Governments, international bodies and organizations have found that treating these The phenomenon, at least, cannot be achieved without relying on multi-faceted strategies. Corruption is not a phenomenon isolated from the societal framework in which it grows but rather is subject to existing problems. Therefore, any strategy that does not take into account the reasons that led and helped to grow and spread this phenomenon and the mechanisms that help the growth and spread of this phenomenon and the mechanisms that help to reproduce it in areas Multiple life will not be a successful strategy. You will try to answer this paper by posing the following problem: What are the effects of administrative corruption on development programs, and what are the effective solutions to get rid of this dilemma, or reduce its negative effects?
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